
...Krankheiten und Ihre Inkubationszeit

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Measles incubation period

Measles are spread by droplet infection. The virus is responsible morbillivirus.
The incubation period of measles is 9-14 days. After the incubation period, the symptoms are an set.
Measles have a particularly striking symptom and formed on the skin of the patient to form a rash.


Incubation period of anthrax

Anthrax: The incubation period is only 2-7 days. The transmission of the pathogen is carried out by grazing animals and wildlife due to dirt or infection.
After the incubation period may have different clinical pictures show. There are mild forms of anthrax, which is characterized by ulcers on the skin show.

Anthrax incubation period: 2-7 days.


Incubation period of mumps

Mumps is a childhood disease, but even adults can get.
Mumps lead to infertility. The incubation period of mumps is 15-23 days.
The pathogen spreads through droplet infection. The name of the pathogen is paramyxovirus parotitis.


Paratyphoid incubation

The disease paratyphoid is flying, food, toilet, touch and water transfer.
The incubation period is 3-16 of paratyphoid days. After the incubation period, the first symptoms at.
The pathogen is Salmonella enterica.


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